Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Weekly Routine??

I've been thinking today about the need for a weekly routine. A rough idea of when I'll not only met all my obligations but also get the house work done and have time for myself.

I was thinking of maybe doing the majority of cleaning, like the bathrooms, on Mondays cause its my only day without something planned but its also the only day I have free to be with my youngest as well. But... we do have another two days together which is where I run her to dancing, gymnastic and swimming so quality time is probably covered. I think too I also need to lump more activities together, like on Wednesday when we do dancing and gymnastic I should also do the grocery shopping, or even on Fridays after swimming.. And I should use that time when DD#2 is dancing to read or study something I need to do.

I truly find my days so very short, the school run takes forever, my eldest is in kindergarten and she is also autistic so I need to walk her into the school and actually hand her over to her teacher, so its a half hr trip, the same again in the afternoon. By the time I get home each day at 9.30 I have to leave again at 2.30pm - 5 hrs, twice a week kid free as DD#2 is in preschool two days a week.

So far its just all swimming around in my head so this weeks mission is to get it down in writing.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hello and Welcome

Hi, this is my first post for my new blog, I used to have a blog but I haven't updated it in 6 months and then we changed our email provider and email address so now I can't get into it, though I wasted many hours today trying.

The aim for this blog is to track the changes I want to make in my life and maintain them. Things like losing 20 kg, becoming more active, getting healthy. Also things like managing our money better, become more frugal and wasting less. Then of course there is the kids, (I have two girls, 5 & 6 yrs old) I want to be a better more patient mum to them.